The 7 C’s of Resilience

Dr Ginsburg, child paediatrician and human development expert, proposes that there are 7 integral and interrelated components that make up being resilient – competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control. Each of these 7 C’s are explained briefly here and in our child and youth resilience group program, our sessions have been crafted carefully in order to include content and group processes that will enhance each and every one of the 7 C’s.

1. Competence – is the ability to know how to handle stressful situations effectively. It requires having the skills to face challenges, and having had the opportunity to practice using these skills so that one feels competent in dealing with situations. Our groups offer stress-reduction and social skills training and by learning these skills in a group of similar aged peers, provides the opportunity for your child to practice these skills, and enhance their competence.

2. Confidence – is the belief in one’s own abilities and is rooted in competence. Children gain confidence by being able to demonstrate their competence in real situations. Our groups enhance self-confidence by identifying each child’s individual strengths and when children are noticed for their strengths, watch them soar high and be self-motivated to overcome their challenges.

3. Connection – children with close ties to friends, family, and community groups are likely to have a stronger sense of security and sense of belonging. These children are more likely to have strong values and are less likely to seek out alternative destructive behaviours. In our groups, we foster a sense of belonging and we discuss ways your children can strengthen their ties by being a good friend, a caring family member, and an important community member.

4. Character – children with “character” enjoy a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. They are in touch with their values and are comfortable sticking to them. They can demonstrate a caring attitude towards others. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and are prepared to make wise choices and contribute to the world. Our groups aim to strengthen character through enhancing self-esteem with our strengths-based work, and by teaching skills of empathy and caring for others. In our youth group, teenagers are empowered to recognise that they have the ability to make choices and that they can make “wise” choices towards their values rather than away from their values.

5. Contribution – if children can experience personally contributing to the world, they can learn the powerful lesson that the world is a better place because they are in it. Hearing the thank you’s and appreciation when your child contributes, will increase their willingness to take actions and make choices that improve the world, thereby enhancing their own competence, character, and sense of connection. In our groups, there will be time for your child to explore how they can contribute and matter in this world. In our parent group session we give lots of ideas on projects that families may be able to do together in order to experience the power of contributing.

6. Coping – children who have a wide repertoire of coping skills (social skills, stress reduction skills) are able to cope more effectively and are better prepared to overcome life’s challenges. Our resilience groups teach both stress-reduction skills and social skills for coping with everyday life stresses.

7. Control – when children realise that they have control over their decisions and actions, they are more likely to know how to make choices in a way that they can bounce back from life’s challenges. Our groups aim to provide children a sense that they have choices – on how they wish to think and act, and that they can determine results based on these choices.

Watch for my next blog that will offer you guiding questions to reflect whether your parenting is providing the 7 C’s of resilience for your children.

Written by Dr Karen Gallaty – clinical and principal psychologist at the CBT Professionals Psychology Clinic. Karen has developed a unique child and youth group program targeted at building resilient kids especially for families of the Gold Coast community. Follow the link here for more information on our resilience Groups program.

CBT Professionals are a team of clinical psychologists on the Gold Coast with offices in Coomera and Nerang. Gold Coast CBT psychologists offer services to adults, children, and couples.

Disclaimer: Content on this website is provided for education and information purposes only and is not intended to replace advise from your doctor or registered health professional. Readers are urged to consult their registered practitioner for diagnosis and treatment for their medical concerns.

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