August 5, 2015

Why is Colouring the Latest Trend for Adults?

You may have noticed a recent trend in bookshops and in the media of adults colouring. Colouring in for adults? Typically it is considered an activity to entertain children! However, it can be just as useful for adults as a way of managing stress and anxiety. Mindfulness Research has shown that colouring invokes a similar response in the brain to that seen when people are engaging in meditation or mindfulness. Mindfulness – the act of cultivating present moment awareness with openness, receptivity, and interest – is a practice widely recognised as a key component of treatment for a range of psychological conditions including depression and anxiety. Benefits of a mindfulness practice include increased attention and concentration, enhanced resilience, improved relationships, reduced influence of thoughts and feelings, […]
August 2, 2015
Research shows children who have secure bonds with their parents are better able to concentrate, have healthy social relationships, perform better academically, and best of all, feel good about themselves… So what constitutes a secure bond anyway? A secure “bond” is developed between caregiver and child when that care-giver is able to provide a “Safe Haven” – a safe place for the child to turn to for comfort and protection. And if the caregiver can consistently and reliably provide that comfort and protection, this sets up a “Secure Base” for the child to feel confident to go out and explore the world. This ability to depend on a parent for safety and security fosters the child’s independence and confidence to explore the world. To develop a […]
September 6, 2014

CBT Nerang 2014

May 7, 2014

Will Your Relationship Last? Find Out How!

Negative communication can be destructive to relationships. Conflicts escalate not because of the issue at hand, but rather because of the way couples talk to each other. At times, we end up fighting over what is being said or how things are said and the initial problem does not get resolved. John Gottman, a well-known relationship researcher, author and clinician calls these kinds of negativity the “Four horsemen of the Apocalypse” because they are so harmful to a relationship. According to Gottman, arguments do not predict relationship breakup but the way you argue does. The four negative interactions are: criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling (withdrawing). The following is taken from Gottman and Silver’s book “The seven principles for making marriage work” (2000). Criticism You will always […]
April 25, 2014

Mindful Parenting

“Today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will be remembered” Dr Suess In the ideal world how do you want your child to remember you; what you have been to them in their life and what you have stood for as a person? Parenting mindfully helps you to slow down and experience being with your child. It involves bringing your purposeful awareness to the present moment with your child with an attitude of openness and curiosity. When being fully present with your child you are more able to appreciate them for the unique person they are, even in their worst moments. Mindful parenting assists you in letting go of unhelpful thoughts about your child or worries about what other people may think […]
March 11, 2014

Suicide – The Warning Signs and Seeking Help

Many individuals and families are affected by suicide, with 2, 132 deaths by suicide in Australia alone in 2009 (ABS , 2011). Suicidal thoughts can be a common response to a crisis, particularly when people feel trapped and unable to see a way out. Being given the opportunity to discuss these thoughts can be the key to exploring alternatives to suicide and keeping safe. This article outlines the risk factors and warning signs that someone may be about to attempt suicide and where help can be sought. Risk Factors The following factors have been associated with increased risk that someone may attempt suicide: Risk Factors Individual Social Contextual Previous suicidal behaviour Abuse/physical violence Unemployment Male gender Isolation Financial problems Mental health concerns Family relationship conflict Neighbourhood […]



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