
August 2, 2015
Research shows children who have secure bonds with their parents are better able to concentrate, have healthy social relationships, perform better academically, and best of all, feel good about themselves… So what constitutes a secure bond anyway? A secure “bond” is developed between caregiver and child when that care-giver is able to provide a “Safe Haven” – a safe place for the child to turn to for comfort and protection. And if the caregiver can consistently and reliably provide that comfort and protection, this sets up a “Secure Base” for the child to feel confident to go out and explore the world. This ability to depend on a parent for safety and security fosters the child’s independence and confidence to explore the world. To develop a […]
December 11, 2013

Child Resilience – Why it’s Important!

It is every parent’s dream that our children will go through life happy and healthy, free of pain, worry, and hurt. We would love for our children to not ever have to contend with bullies, peer pressure, divorce, failures, strangers, injuries, disease or death, poverty, crime, or war. However, we live in a less-than-perfect world and life is going to throw us curve balls, involve ups and downs, challenges and stresses. It’s understandable as parents we want to protect our children from these challenges – wrap them in cotton wool, and immunise children from disappointment and stress. But if we did that, how would they ever experience the satisfaction of facing a challenge? Revel in success of facing a struggle, failure or rejection? Appreciate good fortune […]
November 6, 2013

Identifying Early Signs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is one of the more debilitating of the anxiety disorders. It is a specific type of ‘worry problem’, where a child has persistent worries (obsessions) that often must be alleviated by repetitive actions (compulsions). For the majority of children with OCD, they experience both obsessions and compulsions. However for some children, they may only experience obsessions or compulsions, without the other. For children and their families it can feel like they are the only ones in the whole world suffering from this condition. However, OCD really isn’t that strange or uncommon. About three in every one hundred kids is affected by OCD. This prevalence is greater than diabetes, yet gets much less attention. Most kids first get OCD between 10 and […]
October 28, 2013

Improve Wellbeing with Helpful Thinking – All about the “C” in CBT

An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the most thoroughly researched approaches to psychological treatment. A search for CBT in Google Scholar returns almost 1 million results. What we know from all of this research is that for most people, CBT will be helpful in improving psychological and emotional wellbeing, and further, that CBT is as effective as medication in the treatment of many psychological disorders, often with the added benefit of a reduced risk of relapse. The behavioural component of CBT addresses how we behave and the consequences of this behaviour. Psychologists can work with clients to address any unhelpful behaviours that are causing or maintaining distress. The cognitive component of CBT addresses our thoughts, how we think as […]
September 30, 2013

Domestic Violence and Support

Intimate partner violence, which is also referred to as family or domestic violence is a common but often silent problem, affecting almost 25% of Australian women and a smaller percentage of men. Intimate partner violence may involve a wide range of behaviours, including: Physical abuse — including direct assaults on the body (e.g. hitting, kicking, choking), use of weapons, driving dangerously, destruction of property, assault of children, locking the victim out of the house, and sleep deprivation; Sexual abuse — any form of forced sex or sexual degradation, such as sexual activity without consent, causing pain during sex, assaulting genitals, coercive sex without protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease, making the victim perform sexual acts unwillingly, criticising, or using sexually degrading insults; Verbal abuse — […]
September 20, 2013

Grief and Loss

Grief is commonly associated with bereavement; we tend to think of grief as a reaction to death and dying. However the experience of grief can arise in most areas of life where things cease or change significantly. Relationship, employment, health and functioning losses are examples of situations that may precipitate a grief response. Grief and loss can affect us in a various number of ways. Following is a list of possible symptoms –  you may experience some of them or all of them, and they may change over time. Symptoms of grief   Emotions Sadness Loneliness or a sense of isolation, perhaps feeling like nobody understands you or your situation Anger or frustration about loss or changed circumstances; anger with yourself, the world, God, or the […]



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