Coping Skills

August 5, 2015

Why is Colouring the Latest Trend for Adults?

You may have noticed a recent trend in bookshops and in the media of adults colouring. Colouring in for adults? Typically it is considered an activity to entertain children! However, it can be just as useful for adults as a way of managing stress and anxiety. Mindfulness Research has shown that colouring invokes a similar response in the brain to that seen when people are engaging in meditation or mindfulness. Mindfulness – the act of cultivating present moment awareness with openness, receptivity, and interest – is a practice widely recognised as a key component of treatment for a range of psychological conditions including depression and anxiety. Benefits of a mindfulness practice include increased attention and concentration, enhanced resilience, improved relationships, reduced influence of thoughts and feelings, […]
March 11, 2014

Suicide – The Warning Signs and Seeking Help

Many individuals and families are affected by suicide, with 2, 132 deaths by suicide in Australia alone in 2009 (ABS , 2011). Suicidal thoughts can be a common response to a crisis, particularly when people feel trapped and unable to see a way out. Being given the opportunity to discuss these thoughts can be the key to exploring alternatives to suicide and keeping safe. This article outlines the risk factors and warning signs that someone may be about to attempt suicide and where help can be sought. Risk Factors The following factors have been associated with increased risk that someone may attempt suicide: Risk Factors Individual Social Contextual Previous suicidal behaviour Abuse/physical violence Unemployment Male gender Isolation Financial problems Mental health concerns Family relationship conflict Neighbourhood […]
February 4, 2014

Top 10 Tips for Parent Self-Care

Children are like the barometer of family tension. If your kids are irritable and frustrated, no doubt you have been irritable and frustrated. If your kids have been speaking rudely, sure as eggs you’ve been stressed and shouting. Parents set the mood of the household, and for this reason, I believe it’s paramount that as a parent, you are taking care of yourself. Here are my top 10 tips for parents on how to take care of yourself so that you’re least likely to “flip your lid”. 1. Eat Regularly – hunger is certainly a trigger to “flip your lid”. Try to ensure eating six small meals per day, and don’t go longer than 3 hours without eating something. 2. Eat the Right Foods – the […]
October 28, 2013

Improve Wellbeing with Helpful Thinking – All about the “C” in CBT

An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the most thoroughly researched approaches to psychological treatment. A search for CBT in Google Scholar returns almost 1 million results. What we know from all of this research is that for most people, CBT will be helpful in improving psychological and emotional wellbeing, and further, that CBT is as effective as medication in the treatment of many psychological disorders, often with the added benefit of a reduced risk of relapse. The behavioural component of CBT addresses how we behave and the consequences of this behaviour. Psychologists can work with clients to address any unhelpful behaviours that are causing or maintaining distress. The cognitive component of CBT addresses our thoughts, how we think as […]
October 15, 2013

An Introduction to Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness How often do you find yourself reading a whole page only to find you have taken nothing in? Or sending an email then wondering what you had written or if you had sent it to the right people? Ever realised you have already eaten your lunch as you take your last bite? If so, chances are that you could be: a)      functioning on ‘auto-pilot mode’, b)      not consciously paying attention to your experience as it happens, and c)      missing out on fully living your life in the here and now The good news is that mindfulness may be able to help you. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a way of using your attention. It involves being awake to your experience by focusing your attention purposefully […]
October 15, 2013

What is Mindfulness – An Introduction to Mindfulness Practice


 what is mindfulness,  nature

How often do you find yourself reading a whole page only to find you have taken nothing in? Or sending an email then wondering what you had written or if you had sent it to the right people? Ever realised you have already eaten your lunch as you take your last bite? If so, chances are that you could be:



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