When people Feel Good within themselves, they will feel empowered to Live Well – to make choices in life that aligns with their values, ultimately leading to a sense of fulfillment and well-being.
Who We Are
CBT Professionals are a team of 20 psychologists and 8 administration staff, selected based on a uniting set of values that define us as a truly caring practice. We provide clinical psychology services for Adults, Children, Couples, Families, and third parties, across our two psychology clinics conveniently located in the central and northern Gold Coast regions. You can learn more about our individual team members on our Find A Psych webpages.
How We Do It
We stand against the practice of generic treatments and know that every case is unique and needs our best care and attention to craft a treatment approach specific to your situation. Our Gold Coast psychologists provide a client-centred approach ensuring our treatment approach is at all times guided by your individual needs and goals.We view the therapeutic relationship as a partnership, meaning you will work with your therapist to determine your therapeutic goals, and your therapist will provide you the support and tools necessary to effect the positive change you are wanting in your life. Together, working towards Feeling Good, and Living Well.
This is achieved in a supportive and nurturing environment, free of judgement and in the safety and bounds of confidentiality.
Why We Do It
It is our belief that when people Feel Good within themselves, they will feel empowered to Live Well – to make choices in life that aligns with their values, ultimately leading to a sense of fulfillment and well-being. It is our Mission to ensure that we are helping each and every one of our clients to find the courage to believe in themselves. We achieve this through our commitment to providing mental health services that are founded on principles of compassion, acceptance, and respect. Our Vission is to play some part in the development of our community towards one that celebrates individual differences and embraces the values of acceptance and compassion, not only for oneself but for all our community members.
For your comprehensive guide on all you need to know about seeing a psychologist, download our free eBook here.